By-Laws for the Information Technology Section of NHLA
NHLA’s Information Technology Section
By-Laws for the Information Technology Section of the New Hampshire Library Association
The name of this organization shall be the Information Technology Section of the New Hampshire Library Association.
ARTICLE II. Objective.
The objectives of the Information Technology Section are to provide leadership and educational opportunities for those who are concerned with the use of information technology in all types of libraries. To plan and coordinate programs for section meetings, including the annual conference meeting which provides information related to technology and their applications. To promote information sharing among library staff with respect to technology as it impacts New Hampshire libraries.
ARTICLE III. Membership.
Membership shall be open to dues-paying members of the New Hampshire Library Association.
ARTICLE IV. Officers.
Section 1. The officers of the Information Technology Section shall be the President and Co-President or President and Secretary.
A. Terms of officers shall be one year beginning on September 1st.
Section 2. Officers will be elected once a year.
Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
A. The President is responsible for convening meetings periodically and reporting to the NHLA Executive Board.
B. The Co-President, when this position is filled, shall coordinate with the President in convening meetings and shall report to the NHLA Executive Board in the absence of the President.
C. The Secretary, when this position is filled, shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings.
D. Officers i.e. President and Co-president or Secretary must attend all ITS meetings.
ARTICLE V. Executive Board.
Section 1. There will not be an Executive Board.
ARTICLE VI. Committees.
Section 1. There will be no committees.
ARTICLE VII. Nominations and Elections.
Section 1. Nominations.
A. Nominations for Officer positions shall be solicited by the current President during the month of June for a period of no less than two weeks.
B. All candidates must be members of the Information Technology Section. It shall be the responsibility of the nominator to verify such membership.
C. The President must then contact all nominees to verify their acceptance of said nomination.
Section 2. Elections.
A. In the event of only one valid candidate for a position, that person may be granted the position without a formal vote.
B. In the event of two or more valid nominations for the same position, an election shall be held.
C. The Officer designated to conduct the election will publish the ballot by the first week of August.
D. Voting members shall send their vote to the designated Officer by the voting deadline date indicated on the ballot via the method chosen by the President.
E. The President shall certify the results of the election, which shall be determined by the tally of the designated Officer, and shall notify each candidate of such results.
ARTICLE VIII. Amendments.
Notices of proposed amendments to the by-laws must be appended to the call for a meeting. Amendments shall be passed upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership present.
ARTICLE IX. General Membership.
A. Meetings of the general membership shall be held at such time and place as the President shall designate.
B. A quorum shall consist of 7 members in attendance at an official section meeting.
ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority.
The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all deliberations of this organization.
Created September 2010
Amended October 2016