Legislation Committee Home Page

Library Related Legislation and NHLA stance:


HB 324- relative to prohibiting obscene or harmful sexual materials in schools.

NHLA opposed.


SB 33- relative to the regulation of public school materials.

NHLA opposed.


HB666- relative to adding fines for violations of the confidentiality of the library use records and adding library cards and membership status to the list of confidential matters.

NHLA opposed.


HB 273- relative to a parent’s access to their minor child’s library records  

NHLA opposed.


HB775- directing the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a request for proposals for supervised visitation centers.

NHLA supports.


HB 143- relative to the issuance of no trespass orders on municipal or school district property.

NHLA opposed.


 HB340- relative to electioneering by public employees.  

 NHLA did not put forward a position will do so when heard in Senate during crossover. Opposed.


HB 376- specifying that library user information exempted from disclosure in the right to know law includes information regarding library cards and library membership status.

NHLA supports.


SB208- requiring local school boards and public libraries to adopt curation polices.  

NHLA neutral.


 HB 562- relative to filling of vacant positions on elected municipal and school boards.

 NHLA has not taken a position at this time.


 HB293-preventing minors from accessing obscenity on certain electronic devices with internet access.

NHLA has not taken a position at this time.


 HB314- prohibiting the use of federal, state or local funds for lobbying activities.

 NHLA has not taken a position at this time.

Committee Members

Chair, Denise vanZanten

Deb Hoadley, NHLA Past President

Rachel Baker, NHLA President

Brittany Blomquist

Adam Di Filippe

Brittany Durgin

Clai Lasher-Sommers

Lea McBain

Lauren Rettig

Ryan O'Hora

Christine Friese