A Letter from the NHLA Executive Board
Re: Executive Order Reducing the IMLS and Its Impact on New Hampshire Library Users
March 21, 2025
An executive order issued Friday, March 14th, 2025 calls for the reduction of statutory functions and elimination of non-statutory functions of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The IMLS is an independent federal agency that supports libraries and museums in all 50 states and U.S. territories. The IMLS administers both federal grants to states; which determine how funds are spent, and discretionary grants to individual library entities. The New Hampshire State Library currently has $1.5 million of IMLS money to fund its interlibrary loan program (ILL), as well as the online catalog and van service to support it. The State Library also uses IMLS money to provide Talking book services to New Hampshire residents who are physically unable to see, handle or process printed material comfortably, and Libby, the eBook, eAudio and digital magazine platform.
This funding, if not available, will dramatically affect services that all New Hampshire libraries currently provide to their patrons, potentially crippling the collaboration between NH towns and cities, and drastically reducing access to materials library patrons would not otherwise have access to. In 2024, NH libraries shared 237,000 items via the interlibrary loan program. NH libraries statewide benefit from this important service which saves significant funding by allowing libraries to share materials.
We encourage NH Library leaders to provide factual information to their patrons about IMLS funding, including the IMLS mission, the amount of funding received by the NH State Library, and the specific programs it supports to benefit NH residents.
We encourage NHLA members to reach out to their elected leaders to express why IMLS funds are critical, and how the possible elimination of these services will severely impact the many residents who rely on them.
Thank you,
Rachel Baker, NHLA President/Director, Elkins Library- Canterbury
Denise van Zanten, NHLA Vice President/Director, Manchester City Library
Corinne Chronopoulos, NHLA Secretary/Director, Peterborough Library
Sheryl Bass, NHLA Treasurer/Director, Durham Public Library
Heather Rainier, NHLA Treasurer Elect/Director, Hooksett Public Library
About NHLA
NHLA is committed to networking, professional growth and advocating for the future of New Hampshire libraries. NHLA is a professional association of library personnel, trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is:
- To advance the interests of its members through advocacy on library issues and increasing public awareness of library service.
- To support the professional development of its members.
- To foster communication and encourage the exchange of ideas among its members.
- To promote participation in the association and its sections.
Register Today for the 2025 NHLA Spring Conference
Thursday, April 17 - Firday, April 18, 2005
Church Landing at Mill Falls, Meredith, NH
We are delighted to welcome our keynote speaker, Rebecca Hass! Her presentation is "Building Joy-Centric Libraries: an Experiential Approach." She is the author of her new book, 101 Seeds of Library Joy.
Conference Information can be found on the Conference Page, with a link to the schedule and registration. Conference registration closes Friday, March 28.
Vendor Registration will close on March 15th! VENDOR REGISTRATION LINK
New this year: Free Preconference on Wednesday, April 16! Join us for the Koha & Aspen Discovery Summit. This is a separate registration through the Conference Page link above.
Questions: Email the Conference Chair at conferencechair@nhlibrarians.org
Logo credit: Patrick Harrison
NHLA 2024-2025 Strategic Plan
The New Hampshire Library Association, founded in 1889, created its first strategic plan in 2022. This initial plan was for two years and codified what the Association was already doing, and promoted future planning both in a financial sense and in a practical sense.
At the end of 2023, under the direction of the NHLA Executive Board, a strategic plan subcommittee made up of Mindy Atwood- New Hampshire State Library, Sheryl Bass- Durham Public Library, Jessica DeLangie- Derry Public Library, Deb Hoadley- Hoadley Consulting, Linda Pilla- Rodgers Memorial Library, and Heather Rainier- Hooksett Public Library worked to create a survey for members and non-members as well as NHLA sections and committees.
The plan was compiled by the subcommittee from the survey results. Given the success of the first strategic plan, and the fact that NHLA is a volunteer-run organization, the decision was made to continue with a two-year plan that is no more than two pages.
You can view the Strategic Plan here and the survey data : 2023 NHLA General Survey and the 2023 NHLA Executive Board Survey (Sections and Committees)