About NHLA

NHLA is committed to networking, professional growth and advocating for the future of New Hampshire libraries. NHLA is a professional association of library personnel, trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is: 

  • To advance the interests of its members through advocacy on library issues and increasing public awareness of library service. 
  • To support the professional development of its members. 
  • To foster communication and encourage the exchange of ideas among its members. 
  • To promote participation in the association and its sections.  


Registration is now open for the 2024 NELA Annual Conference!

Please visit the NELA Annual Conference page for information. 

Sunday Keynote children's author and illustrator, Chris Van Dusen (Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee, and with Kate DiCamillo: Mercy Watson to the Rescue and others)

Monday Keynote Canadian author and educator, Amanda Peters (The Berry Pickers: a novel, Waiting for the Long Night Moon)

Tuesday Keynote debut author, Adam White (The Midcoast: a novel)

NELA Annual Meeting * Networking * NELA Games Monday Night * Exhibit Hall * Sessions * Emerson Greenaway Reception & Cocktail Hour * Meet ups  

The deadline to apply for a conference scholarship is August 5th.

The deadline for early bird pricing is September 4th.

Discounted rates are available at the conference hotel, the Holiday Inn by the Bay, through September 18th

Registration is Open for the NHLA 2024 Fall Conference & Business Meeting!

NHLA Member $50/NHLA Non-Member $75

Click the image to go to Wild Apricot and register

NHLA Fall 2024 Conference graphic


NHLA 2024-2025 Strategic Plan


The New Hampshire Library Association, founded in 1889, created its first strategic plan in 2022. This initial plan was for two years and codified what the Association was already doing, and promoted future planning both in a financial sense and in a practical sense.

At the end of 2023, under the direction of the NHLA Executive Board, a strategic plan subcommittee made up of  Mindy Atwood- New Hampshire State Library, Sheryl Bass- Durham Public Library, Jessica DeLangie- Derry Public Library, Deb Hoadley- Hoadley Consulting, Linda Pilla- Rodgers Memorial Library, and Heather Rainier- Hooksett Public Library worked to create a survey for members and non-members as well as NHLA sections and committees. 

The plan was compiled by the subcommittee from the survey results. Given the success of the first strategic plan, and the fact that NHLA is a volunteer-run organization, the decision was made to continue with a  two-year plan that is no more than two pages.

You can view the Strategic Plan here and the survey data : 2023 NHLA General Survey and the 2023 NHLA Executive Board Survey (Sections and Committees) 


NHLA members receive the benefit of NHLA’s advocacy efforts in the state legislature, the Governor’s office, and other areas of state government to assure that New Hampshire’s libraries 1)receive necessary support and resources from the New Hampshire State Library (such as ILL van service and free or reduced charge access to online database subscriptions), and 2) have important local library issues recognized on the state level when necessary. 


NHLA offers its members scholarships and interest-free loans for graduate study as well as mini-grants for professional development. Members also receive reduced registration rates for a variety of professional development opportunities throughout the year, designed to help library staff at all levels keep up with the ever-changing world of information science and maintain the excellence that New Hampshire residents have come to expect from their libraries. 


NHLA members receive regular updates on national and state news and information that affects New Hampshire’s libraries through the NHLA web site, blogs, and other electronic communications from the NHLA sections. 


NHLA members have access to numerous opportunities for networking and involvement through NHLA sections. These opportunities to plan meetings, develop educational programming, evaluate trends, and develop resources for other NHLA members help prepare library staff for leadership roles within their own libraries.